We can’t quite believe that TORQ is a quarter of a century old this year and many of you will have followed us for a large part of that journey if not all of it. Whether you’re new to TORQ or been with us for a while, what a fantastic opportunity this is for us to share with you our story so far…
Founder's Background
TORQ was founded by Matt Hart in 1999, fully supported by his wife Sasha:
Education: Matt completed a Sports Science Degree in 1992, choosing this particular path because of his passion for sport. The focus of this then new-style degree was on Performance & Excellence, which was all about understanding how to get individuals to the pinnacle of their fitness and priming athletes for their best possible performance physiologically, biomechanically and psychologically.
Employment: Immediately on leaving university, Matt worked for a Central London health club chain between 1992 and 1999 called ‘Curzons’. Curzons was later purchased by David Llloyd Leisure who were then acquired by Fitness First. Matt started working at the first ever Curzons club in the City of London (the financial district) as a fitness instructor and quickly became Manager of that club. Curzons expanded to over 10 health clubs in the City and West End over the time he was working for them. Matt was involved in pre-marketing, purchasing equipment and staff training for many of the new clubs. Before leaving, as well as managing a key club in the group’s portfolio, Matt was responsible for training the clubs’ personal trainers to get them to the highest level of knowledge and competence. It was the investment in consultancy/teaching skills and the quest for understanding human fitness at the deepest level that would become a huge asset for Matt as he moved forward.
Pro/Elite Racing: During the same period (1992-1999), Matt raced Mountain Bikes (Cross Country XC) at Pro/Elite level, the highest level in the country. He was well-supported through sponsorship and the racing dovetailed perfectly with the application of his Sports Science degree to his own physical training.
Running Background: Despite his eventual focus on Mountain Biking racing, Matt’s earlier years were centred around running. He has boxes of trophies in the loft at home picked up from events ranging from 400m on the track through to a half marathon distance – the latter he competed in by accident at the age of 13 when he missed the start of the scheduled 10k event. It was persistent injury that pushed him towards cycling at university where he cut his teeth in this new sport with fellow class-mate, Olympian Simon Lillestone, team-mate of Chris Boardman. Once Matt discovered Mountain Biking – soon after the sport was born in the early 90’s – there was no going back.
Philosophies, Values & Beliefs
Matt’s education and experience within endurance sport at the highest level were of critical importance to the subsequent development and evolution of TORQ. Intertwined with this experience is Matt’s outlook on life in general and his personality. Deep down, the values that Matt holds dear are centred around ‘doing the right thing’ in every situation, because doing the right thing is the right thing to do! When it comes to business, this view of life manifests itself through providing products and services that do what they claim to do along with being fully transparent and providing customers with a clear rationale behind their development.
It has been hugely important to Matt to educate his customers, justify the company’s actions and tell them the truth. Matt finds it offensive that any company would put its own short-term commercial interests ahead of the truth. Matt’s scientific background means that his decisions have always been evidenced-based, not driven by the latest marketing trends, and he has a deep unwavering belief that people will buy TORQ’s great products, because they work faultlessly and because they fundamentally trust the brand. A TORQ customer is valued by us, values the brand and is in it for the long haul.
TORQ's Background
The Early Days: TORQ began as a Fitness Consultancy and Personal Training company in 1999. Matt coached cyclists, many of whom were fellow competitors he used to compete against or knew him from the Mountain Bike racing circuit. He also used the Personal Fitness Training knowledge he had gained from working within health clubs to develop a new client base in Northwest London where he lived, whom he would train in their own homes. The coaching overlapped Matt’s work at Curzons for a year or so, but the decision to go entirely freelance happened when he launched the TORQ Personal Training business.
Matt also earned regular income from writing educational articles for magazines and online cycling news websites. Titles included Men’s Fitness, FHM Bionic, Singletrackworld, Cycling Weekly, Dirt Mag and many more. An early .com website called ‘madforsport.com’ commissioned Matt for many fitness articles between 1999-2001 and he became part of the furniture at Men’s Fitness magazine as one of their resident experts for many years.
Performance Nutrition: Matt needed to provide advice on nutrition as part of his performance coaching business and actually had trade accounts with companies that would later become TORQ’s competition. He had also used other brands in competition and training himself. It was through trialling other brands’ products and assessing their nutritional composition and effectiveness that made him realise he could do better. Matt’s meticulousness, dedication to science and determination to find the truth meant that a new breed of cutting-edge Performance Nutrition would soon develop. The seed for TORQ Performance Nutrition was planted.
Why TORQ? The name TORQ came about for 2 reasons. The company name TORQ was stripped back from the word TORQUE, which by definition means ‘rotational force’ and this clearly has relevance to the cycling powertrain and Matt’s first targeted coaching audience. Furthermore, did you know that every single human movement comes about as a result of a combination of torques around joints in the human body? Even complex linear movements come about as a result of a whole bunch of combined rotations around joints. This was highly relevant to Matt’s early Personal Training business.
Secondly, there was a play on words with the word TORQ, because successful consultancy is all about clear, regular communication and that involves ‘talking.’ This led to interesting little marketing messages like ‘It’s good to TORQ’ which really helped to establish the brand. Talking and explaining to customers the how’s and why’s of fitness and nutrition has always been and continues to be a cornerstone of the TORQ brand.

In this video from 2012, Matt explains the virtues of the TORQ Bar, our inaugural product. This video was recorded just months before the TORQ Bar was repackaged in its familiar black livery and the TORQ Fuelling System was conceived.
TORQ's First Products
TORQ Bars 1 & 2: The first TORQ product to be developed was the ‘TORQ Bar’ and it was launched in 2003. It was produced in 2 variants, TORQ Bar 1: Tangy Apricot and TORQ Bar 2: Sundried Banana (our bars were given numbers back then).
The reason Matt launched an Energy Bar as TORQ’s first product was because it was a product type he used himself regularly on his own lengthy training rides. He knew that the key to fuelling endurance performances involved regularly consuming carbohydrate and this was a vehicle to do just that. Where the TORQ Bar excelled compared to others in the marketplace was explained in its ‘Moist & Chewy’ marketing tagline – it was soft and very easy to eat. It was explained to the press and customers at the time that a product could have a perfect nutritional profile on paper, but if you couldn’t eat it, it has a nutritional value of zero.
The TORQ Bar was so soft, it could be wolfed down in a few bites, so was a real hit with the endurance community. Combined with this practicality, Matt’s commitment to science and the research meant that the formulation was as perfect as it could be. The bar featured multiple-transportable carbohydrates and the fat content was negligible, meaning that carbohydrate absorption was rapid. The faster the absorption of carbohydrate, the less stomach discomfort and the more carbohydrate could be consumed per hour. TORQ Bars also incorporated Fairly Traded fruit, which was quite unusual at the time and pointed to Matt’s determination to produce natural, ethical products.
These first two products were launched off the back of a £10k personal bank loan, which paid for the first production run, a large run of film (wrappers) and a retail display box. Marketing involved attending events/shows most weekends, sending product to magazines, continued fitness educational journalism and some paid for advertising. This was before the days of social media, so getting the product in front of people was complex in many ways, but perhaps altogether simpler than it is now! A second loan was required for the next production run and to fund further marketing.
TORQ Bars 1 & 2 were followed by TORQ Bars 3 & 4 in 2005, which were Raspberry & Apple and Pineapple & Ginger flavoured respectively. TORQ was liquid by this point and funds raised from sales of the first two bars and income from the consultancy and Personal Training paid for the development of these bars. The hands-on grass roots marketing continued along with some ‘paid for’ magazine advertising.
Powdered Drinks: Very soon after the launch of the TORQ Bar, Matt launched a very simple but effective TORQ Energy Drink powder. Arguably TORQ Energy Drink powder existed before the TORQ Bar, as it was supplied to the athletes he coached as a staple, but it didn’t crystalise as an official TORQ product until after the launch of the bars. This Energy Drink, in combination with the TORQ Bar provided the athlete with a highly effective fuelling system. The drink provided fluid for rehydration and energy and the bar provided energy. Combining the two in different combinations depending on perspiration rates would give the athlete everything that would be required – this principle was later refined as more products were developed into the TORQ Fuelling System.
Other Products: Flavoured Energy Drinks swiftly followed (2005) and then Energy Gels (2007) formulated based on the latest emerging 2:1 Maltodextrin:Fructose research. The rest as they say is history…
The TORQ Staff
Although Matt founded the company and staff weren’t employed until 2007, TORQ isn’t just about Matt anymore and no one understands this more than he does. TORQ have fantastically talented and loyal staff onboard and whilst they understand and recognise our history and ethos, they constantly bring in new ideas to steer our future as well as running an organised and precise operation. A huge debt of gratitude goes out to all of the staff past and present for the value their individual roles have brought to the business.
From left to right, top to bottom: Ryan, Jack, Marcus, Richard, Bella, Chris, Zel, Louise, Paul & Cameron.
The Mountain Bike Team
The TORQ Performance Mountain Bike Team was born in 2006 and still exists today. Initially it was set up to provide a home for TORQ’s coached athletes and was used as a marketing vehicle to spread the word about the newly launched TORQ Bar to the Mountain Biking community. The riders proudly wore the TORQ Bar strapline ‘Moist & Chewy’ across their backsides and of course, this got everyone talking. This inspired future straplines for our cyclists’ rear ends like ‘Squeeze Me’ (related to our energy gel launch) and of course ‘Fast Food.’ Take a look at the gallery tab for some of the historic images.
The team evolved over time to what it is today – a heavily-sponsored elite outfit consisting of some of the finest bike riders the country has to offer. At the time of writing this, post covid, these are challenging times for the cycling industry in general, but the TORQ Team still pushes on and continues to make headlines.
The team operates under a unique set of beliefs and values:
To unite some of the country’s most accomplished Mountain Bike racers into a team with unrivalled strength & depth and to set an example to everyone involved in the sport that high-end performances are achieved in symbiosis with generosity of spirit, courtesy and integrity.
TORQ's Uniqueness
Every brand likes to think that they have USPs (unique selling points), so that they can stand out from the crowd, but TORQ was literally falling over its USPs in 2004 when its first product was launched. Of course, over time, other companies may have been ‘influenced’ by TORQ somewhat, but our constant innovation and focus on evidence-based development keeps us at the coal face. No stone is left unturned in the quest for the ultimate sports performance solutions. Here’s a flavour of what makes the TORQ brand unique:
Education: TORQ’s heritage is unique. The Performance Nutrition company we are today has evolved from a background of fitness consultancy, coaching and athlete education. This means that TORQ’s consultancy staff don’t only understand nutrition, they are experts in the processes of physical training too. This provides TORQ with its unique edge and integrity. We love to educate and explain to our customers not only what they should be doing, but how and why they should be doing it. Our website contains an abundance of educational articles, because it is fundamental to our beliefs that our customers should be well informed before they purchase.
Strive For Perfection: The founder’s meticulous nature has dictated that the brand must have a ‘no compromise’ approach to absolutely everything! If a tick list of perfection exists for a product or service, every box would need to be ticked. This means that the performance formulation must be cutting-edge and based around the latest available research, the ingredients the finest, the flavours the most innovative and authentic, right through to the packaging and design being ahead of its time. Add to this the highest level of customer service, a determination to be transparent/communicate the evidential truth and TORQ stands alone as a brand in this sector like no other.
Performance: TORQ’s DNA is drenched in performance and excellence and this arguably trumps everything else we do. We are proud to have invented the term ‘Performance Nutrition’ to describe our products. Even though others have since followed suit, we continue to innovate and drive the sector forwards. TORQ’s products are formulated based on established and cutting-edge peer-reviewed published research and functionality means everything to us. Optimal product performance + maximised product usability = nutritional excellence.
Usability: Beyond pure function, TORQ products have been designed to be easy to consume. As explained earlier when we spoke about the launch of the TORQ Bar, a product you can’t consume easily, or don’t want to consume has a nutritional value of zero. This philosophy, born from the first ever TORQ product, has been carried through the entire TORQ product range. TORQ Energy Bars are ‘Moist & Chewy’ because this made the optimal calorie blend within them more usable to the athlete. TORQ Energy Gels were formulated with the perfect texture balance – if the gels were thinner in consistency, they would contain insufficient carbohydrate and if they were thicker, they would be difficult to swallow. We struck the perfect balance with a highly concentrated, compact energy gel with a silky-smooth light texture. We could go on…
Precise and Inspirational Flavour Profiles: TORQ’s reputation with regard to flavour profiles is second to none. Our product flavours are so good that those who don’t understand our history could easily misunderstand the true ethos of the TORQ brand and think that our whole marketing piece is ‘all about the flavours.’ Although we are meticulous about creating an amazing taste experience for our customers, we have always considered the product flavour the ‘icing on the cake’ with the functional formulation without question coming first. That said, we believe that product usability and product flavour are intertwined and the better we can make our products taste, the easier and more pleasurable they will be to consume. Ease of consumption, plus a variety of textures and flavour profiles provides the athlete with the most complete and comprehensive set of tools to achieve their performance goals.
Some of our energy gel flavour profiles say it all – Raspberry Ripple, Rhubarb & Custard, Cherry Bakewell, Apple Crumble… Our light-tasting hydration drinks also boast flavours like Watermelon and Tangerine, whilst our TORQ Energy Bar and Explore Flapjack flavours are enhanced by the use of certified organic ingredients. Organic ingredients, if nothing else, just taste better!
Organic, Fairly Traded and Natural: There is no one in the Performance Nutrition space that does ‘Natural’ as well as we do. Many brands boast about their commitment to natural ingredients, but we’ve taken it a step further. TORQ Bar, our first ever product, used fairly-traded fruit in 2003, at a time when the Fairtrade movement was in its infancy and had very little momentum. TORQ has since evolved so that all of our bar products are certified organic by the Soil Association as well as using fairly traded ingredients.
It’s perhaps more common to see organic certification associated with healthy lifestyle products, but we know of no other brand in the Performance Nutrition market that has taken this step. Part of the checks and balances we need to make as part of our product development is whether we can combine organic ingredients to provide the uncompromised performance solutions we require. As a performance-first brand, this has stopped us from developing a wider organic range thus far, but we will never stop exploring.
We have also owned the ethos of not adding ingredients to our formulations that are either artificial or have no functional purpose. You will never find colours in our products, or artificial sweeteners and we will only ever use natural flavourings.
Innovation: TORQ have always been at the cutting-edge of performance nutrition, because we focus on the science. We’re not really interested in what other brands are doing, only in what we’re going to do next. We rejoice in our own brand’s distinct direction and values and we never ease off the throttle. We currently have many innovative projects underway and will continue to do so way into the future.
Performance Systems: Developed in 2012, the TORQ Fuelling System was born from understanding complex concepts and the latest research, but breaking this down into what we coined ‘Fuelling Simplicity.’ We had already optimised the functional capacity of each product, so we then tweaked each product to deliver exactly the same amount of carbohydrate (30g) so that the customer could consume a precise optimal dose. This meant that optimal endurance fuelling could be achieved easily using a variety of textures and flavour profiles across our product range. We had taken away the guesswork and provided an easy-to-follow framework to address our customers’ fuelling and hydration needs. This was way ahead of its time.
We then went on to develop the TORQ Recovery System and at the time of writing, we are shortly going to be launching the TORQ Hydration System and TORQ Explore System.
Design and Packaging: TORQ were the first onto the market with a purely design-led approach to packaging. We broke all the rules. A marketing textbook would have said that we shouldn’t package a food product the way we did, but we were determined to be different and unique. We have been meticulous with our abstract designs and use the highest quality packaging materials to preserve the integrity of our products and provide the premium finish that we want. Also, as an example, we were the first UK brand to apply a litter-catcher on the tip of our gels, because we knew that dropped gel tips was an environmental issue. Just like our formulations and flavours, when it comes to packaging, no stone is left unturned. Again, others have tried to copy our brand identity, but they have no idea where we’re going to go next…
TORQ's Evolution
Since the TORQ Bar’s launch in 2003, TORQ has gone on to develop numerous cutting-edge Performance Nutrition products and this continues without compromise to the present day. In addition to the performance-focussed lines however, TORQ has diversified into three other synergistic areas:
TORQ Explore Nutrition: We were fully aware that whilst it wasn’t just the elite that would benefit from TORQ Performance Nutrition, there were some products we could develop that would benefit the outdoor enthusiast/leisure athlete that would be of particular interest to them. The TORQ Explore range began with our organic moist and syrupy flapjacks and has since developed into a full range of adventure foods including instant Breakfasts, Meals and Desserts. This range of products has been built from TORQ’s performance DNA, giving them a unique position in the marketplace – they are practical foods for the outdoor enthusiast, designed uncompromisingly to deliver high levels of energy and nutritional support.
TORQ Diabetes: Since 2005, peer-reviewed, published study after study has supported the mechanism of increased carbohydrate delivery to the blood via a 2:1 Maltodextrin:Fructose formulation. It’s this formulation that has been absolutely key to the effectiveness of TORQ’s products. Fast delivery of carbohydrate means less stomach distress and the ability to consume more carbohydrate per hour. The more carbohydrate consumed per hour, the more fuel that’s available to burn and the faster and longer an athlete will perform.
The science that supports rapid carbohydrate delivery for athletes is also highly relevant to people with Type 1 diabetes. When a person with diabetes has what’s called a ‘hypo’ their blood sugar drops to extremely low levels and this can be very dangerous. They need an easily-accessible form of fast delivery carbohydrate and the science says that nothing will work faster to raise blood sugar than a 2:1 formulation.
TORQ teamed up with diabetes professionals GlucoRx and partnered in producing the GlucoRx TORQ Gel, a gel half the size our regular energy gel, delivering a measured dose of precisely 15g of fast-acting 2:1 carbohydrate. The TORQ GlucoRx Gel is available on prescription with the NHS and in pharmacies around the country.
TORQ Immune System Support: Whilst Covid19 brought the world to a near standstill, the TORQ team got their heads into the books to learn more about the human immune system. We are still learning! During the pandemic, we published our Immune Resources and shared the information we had gleaned in the hope that it would help our customers and others to look after themselves during this frightening time. We had no intention of producing a product at the time, but realised after we had conducted the research that we should.
Our TORQ aTAC product was launched in 2021, its ‘performance’ purpose being to protect the immune systems of athletes travelling on flights to international events. Its larger purpose was relevant to serious athletes and regular people and that was to reduce the symptoms and severity of cold and flu infections. TORQ aTAC, if taken in accordance to dosing instructions, would speed them through their illness ,so they would suffer symptoms less intensively and for a shorter period of time.
This is a new area of research for us and we’re interested to see what the future brings.
The Future
Hmmmm, you will have to wait and see!
What we can assure you of is that we will continue to learn, continue to research and continue to develop new products to the highest possible standards. We’re also not afraid to fine-tune our existing formulations if the evidence supports the need to do so. We will do what is necessary to stay at the forefront of the Performance Nutrition space. We may have just had our 25-year birthday, but we’re excited about what we are going to achieve over the next quarter of a century.
It is through understanding our past – who we are and what we stand for – that has given us a clear vision for TORQ’s future. As a result of us understanding that despite the many USP’s TORQ can offer over any other brand, it is our overriding historic commitment to customer education and evidence-based transparency that makes us truly different. As we move forward, you might just notice our new company mission slogan used once or twice. We feel that it epitomises who we are and whilst we will continue to produce the finest products in our field, we will always be there to nurture your ultimate physical performance through the knowledge we can impart:
“Inspiring Excellence”
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, so far…
Rather than clutter the other tabs with too many images, we figured that we could show you a slide show of choice pictures we’ve pulled off our website since we first went online in 2002. For those of you who have followed us over the years, here’s a trip down memory lane!
Matt with wife Sasha. Matt raced in the Pro-Elite category at XC Mountain Biking, heavily supported by Brixton Cycles, a fantastic worker’s cooperative bike shop in South London
The first prototype of the TORQ Bar – not quite how it finally turned out!
The first ever print run for TORQ Bar Film. Interestingly, this shows the Banana film being printed, but there was a delay in production, so we actually launched with the Apricot flavour only, as shown below.
The first TORQ trade stand at Cycle 2003 at the Business Design Centre in Islington.
Early magazine reviews.
Our first ad. Quite clever we think!
The TORQ trade stand at the 2003 Mountain Mayhem MTB Event.
TORQ sponsored Sky TV’s Masters Football, helped by a personal training client of Matt’s who ran the schedule.
The first TORQ branded vehicles, a Ford Fiesta and Ford Ka (top of the range of course).
The first Triathlon Cycling Running (TCR) show at Sandown Park.
For a while, we had so few products, we didn’t even need tables on our trade stand, we just used the car bonnet.
Fitness testing commenced at the new TORQ HQ in Shropshire (Matt is taking blood from Simon’s ear for lactate testing, not punching him in the head).
The new TORQ team clothing arrived and friends of TORQ tried it out before the official team launch in 2006.
A muddy Matt!
The official TORQ Mountain Bike Team launch, timed with the arrival of the new TORQ RV (the RV is still on the road today albeit with a fresh livery and modifications).
Finally, a TORQ branded gazebo!
A big day. TORQ Gels are launched in four flavours: Strawberry Yoghurt, Black Cherry Yoghurt, Orange & Banana and Forest Fruits with Guarana.
The first TORQ POS – it was a bit ‘bouncy’ due to being self-supporting and slotted together. A clever design from our TORQ Australia distributor which we introduced in the UK.
Matt with daughter Amelia at Mountain Mayhem 2007.
Starting to look a bit more professional with TORQ RV and new TORQ liveried Honda Civic at the XC World Cup in Dalby Forest, Yorkshire.
TORQ’s legendary employee Anth Roland racing, but we’re not quite sure where!
Matt doing what he always liked best – dropping down a steep rocky shoot in the Pyrenees. There wasn’t a lot of travel in those days and no dropper post.
TORQ sponsored the Leeds University Mountain Biking team who raced in a green version of the TORQ team kit.
New TORQ kit and new rear end slogans.
We launch our new Banoffee energy gel with guarana.
Exposure Lights supply the TORQ MTB team with powerful lights with bespoke TORQ branding.
TORQ’s new Fitness Consultancy opens.
The TORQ Triathlon Team is born, so TORQ starts to appeal to a wider endurance audience.
The TORQ Fuelling System and TORQ Recovery System are conceived.
The TORQ Bar gets a new black wrapper and is reduced in size to fit in with the new TORQFuelling System.
Happy Christmas!
Ajay from Nepal guest rides on the TORQ Team – we’ve never had a rider that goes up hills as fast as this guy.
The TORQ Tri Team gets stuck in to events nationwide.
Willier provide bespoke TORQ bike frames and Fast Forward provide wheels for the Tri Team.
TORQ gets a new car.
TORQ Australia’s Mountain Bike Team starts to gather momentum.
At Halloween we carved our own TORQ pumpkin.
Happy Christmas again!
Our first professional photoshoot with Joolze Dymond for both MTB and Tri teams.
The Whyte TORQ Team bike gets reviewed under ‘eye candy’ in MBR magazine.
We have a TORQ Track Cycling Team!
We launch a luxury fuelling gift pack.
The first ever TORQ in Your Sleep event took place on August bank Holiday 2015.
The TORQ Track Team get a new hand-built frame.
The first #TORQFuelled Bloodwise London 2 Paris.
Some new product packaging is being printed.
Two great #TORQFuelled athletes are grabbing the headlines globally in Triathlon and Mountain Biking.
The TORQ Fuelling System gets a makeover.
We launch our revolutionary limited edition Beer Energy Gel courtesy of Adnams brewery. Keep an eye out, because this concept is not dead – we’re constantly asked for another one!
The first ‘Christmas Caption’ competition is launched on social media.
Both indoor and outdoor events continue to be a big part of TORQ’s marketing.
The TORQ SNAQ Bar hits the shelves.
We continue our partnership with Adnams and launch the Summer Shandy energy gel.
We created a Mince Pie flavoured TORQ Bar especially for the festive season.
Cherry Bakewell & Lemon Drizzle TORQ Energy gels are launched.
TORQ team up with Rapha Travel and Col Collective cycle tours.
We launch our TORQ SNAQ Performance Breakfasts and Meals.
And we go out and sell them via the TORQ SNAQ Cafe.
We launch the first ever energy gel made with real freshly roasted coffee.
And we launch our own coffee brand.
Our first Black Friday sale.
For Christmas, we released a limited edition Christmas Spice performance breakfast.
Our new GlucoRx TORQ Gel becomes available on prescription on the NHS for people with diabetes.
The TORQ MTB Team all go out to Lanzarote to compete in the 3-day UCI stage race.
TORQ Explore Flapjacks are launched.
TORQ’s Mark Turnbull races the National 24-hour champs and we provide a live transparent case study of his planned and actual nutritional intake.
Matt and the legendary William Tan ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats.
We have a bit of fun with Brexit as it’s put through parliament.
We add Organic Bakewell Slice to our range of Explore Flapjacks.
And then we tried to be confident that Covid19 wouldn’t affect us 🙂
And we washed our hands a lot!
TORQ went into Holland & Barrett.
We worked with race organisers Gorrick to run a socially distanced endurance event during covid.
We run indoor virtual training rides to keep the keen TORQ customers going during Covid19.
We launch our TORQ aTAC product as a result of research conducted during the pandemic.
Matt repeatedly cycles up and down a large local hill until reaching the elevation of Everest in protest to stop a local incinerator from being built. WE WON!
Matt and Marcus join a relay team and get the cycling World Record from Land’s End to John O’Groats.
We launch our Organic Black Forest Explore Flapjack.
We launch our Cola Caffeine Energy Drink.
Racing finally gets back to some kind of normality post Covid.
We launch our ISO17025 Tested range.
We launch a Red Berries Hydration Drink and a Cola Caffeine Energy Gel.
TORQ’s Jack completes the 4x4x48 event for Tower Hill Stables animal charity.
Matt rides a lap of the county where he was born for Essex & Herts Air Ambulance.
TORQ’s Marcus and MTB coaching legend Sally Bigham train Royal Army Veteran James Wilkinson to complete the Dolomite Super Bike Mountain Biking endurance challenge.
We launch our new Naked Gel.
TORQ now have a full range of Explore Breakfasts, meals and Desserts.
2024 so far…
The last two years has involved us adapting from the pandemic and getting ourselves back out to events. Covid19 gave us the opportunity to reevaluate our focus on event attendance and we developed an environmentally-friendly re-usable wooden stand for large indoor shows and this year especially, the TORQ RV has been spruced up and is back on the road after 20 years in the business!
And the TORQ Mountain Biking Team is still going strong.
And finally… as of right now, we launch the new TORQ Energy Jellies! What will the future hold?