Shropshire born and bred Ali started running at the age of seven years – and hasn’t stopped since.
Ali has run with the Oswestry Olympians, has PB’s of 16.20 (5k), 34.34 (10k) and 76.44 (Half Marathon), and has been placed in the top 10 of the English Cross Country Championships.
As well as representing the Midlands on Road and Cross Country, Ali is super proud to be the owner of 5 England vests over both Mountain and Cross Country.
Ali feels that her true potential lies in Road Running and her longer term aims are to make her debut over the Marathon distance and gain more representational vests.
Ali’s info and rankings can be seen here: -thepowerof10-

Photo courtesy of © NeeNeeLJ
We welcome Ali to TORQ Performance Running and wish her the very best for the 2016 season.
The TORQ Performance Running Team is sponsored by the following and without them, we would not be able to do what we do, thank you:
Scimitar Sports – Custom Clothing
Zero Point – Compression Wear
USE Exposure – Running Headtorches
Dunerunner – Races & Events
ODO Sport – Kit Revamp & Refresh Products
Amphibia – Sports Kit Bags