From all at TORQ, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
TORQ’s technical team are away for Christmas and New Year, so we won’t be responding to e-mails until we return on Monday 5th January. You can still order TORQ products 24/7 via our online shop over the Christmas period, or you can phone up at the following times to place an order:
Tues 23rd Dec: Open for telephone orders only
Weds 24th Dec: Open for telephone orders only
Thurs 25th Dec: closed
Fri 26th Dec: closed
Sat 27th Dec: closed
Sun 28th Dec: closed
Mon 29th Dec: Open for telephone orders only
Tues 30th Dec: Open for telephone orders only
Weds 31st Dec: Open for telephone orders only
Thurs 1st Jan: closed
Fri 2nd Jan: Open for telephone orders only
Sat 3rd Jan: closed
Sun 4th Jan: closed
All orders received over the Christmas period (which begins today) will not be dispatched until Monday 5th January and I’m afraid we won’t be able to chase the status of any outstanding consignments before then either.
Once again, have a wonderful festive experience and we look forward to catching up with you in 2015.