TORQ Roughride

Here’s a quick heads-up to give you plenty of notice about the TORQ Rough Ride on 27th May this year.

TORQ Roughride is TORQ’s very own Mountain Bike endurance event, set only a handful of miles south of TORQ HQ on the Shropshire/Powys border. 2012 sees the tenth Roughride take place from the tiny town of Kington chock full of real ale pubs, hunkered down under the eastern edge of Hergest Ridge. So, along with the great beer and cider, excellent value pub and cafe grub, you also get a scenic campsite and a proper off-road challenge with (unlike other similar events) hardly any road and even less forestry track. So, that’s basically what we love about it – the beer bit’s kind TORQ’s alter ego, but at the same time this weekend is a chance to relax and enjoy Mountain Biking in it’s true raw environment.

This is a relaxed event with first class marshal support and the option of two routes of 45 and 75k. Depending on how you feel, you can choose which route to take when they split after an hour or two
The start leads you across Hergest Ridge and wanders across moorland tracks, much of which are only open to bikes for this one special day only. If this hasn’t sold it to you already, just think of it as the most laid back moorland romp in existence with stunning views and enthusiastic and capable organisation.

For further information, visit or take a look at this youtube clip to get an idea of what goes on