Trust Races

We’re really pleased to be supporting Trust Races which has been set up by our friends at Exposure Lights – and it’s this weekend!

Before we tell you all about it, if you enter, you can claim an additional 10% off TORQ products (on top of any pre-existing bulk discounts awarded through our online store). Just go to the Facebook page below, enter the FREE event and use the code published on their page at checkout (valid until midnight this Sunday 26th July).

It may be too late for you to get supplies for this weekend, but perhaps you could use it as an opportunity to top up your supplies, which might get a bit hammered during the event!

Trust Races has been set up for the endurance community to compete with each other, but in separate geographical locations, to allow you to push your limits of performance in ultra MTB and running. Trust Races and TORQ understand in this time of non-events that people wish to have a focus and still want to compete.

To get involved, you will need to design an off-road loop which must be, between 2 miles and 8 miles in length. This loop must have 150m minimum of elevation gain. You will be required to have 1 person available to act as support/pit crew.

You must follow Government current guidelines on Covid19 while riding, running training and planning.

Once you have followed and liked Trust Races Facebook page and the @trustraces Instagram, you can then join the Facebook event. Add your profile so Trust Races know who you are.

Please then click on the Strava link to Trust Races club and once you are a member of this club Trust Races will have the platform for following your ride or run on the 25th/26th of July:

During your ride or run, a few social media posts to show how you’re doing, tagging ‘Trust Races’ would be great to keep the community up to date on progress.

When you upload your run or ride please make sure you call your ride or run by the distance and challenge you undertook. For example ‘6hr Gravel bike’ or ‘12hr run.’

The categories you can enter are:

24hr MTB
12hr MTB
6hr MTB

24hr Gravel Bike
12hr Gravel Bike
6hr Gravel Bike

24hr E-Bike
12hr E-Bike
6hr E-Bike

24hr Run
12hr Run
6hr Run

On the day, you will start recording your run/ride at 10am (BST) on the 25th of July, you hit stop once you reach 6, 12 or 24hrs. You stop timing when you reach the time limit of your chosen event and we will see your distance at this point – no trying to get an extra lap!

Each category has three sub categories – Distance, Elevation and fun.

Prizes will be awarded in each category, in both male and female for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

For the fun category we will judge on best photos from your challenge, these can be added to Starva when you upload at the finish.

All updates and info will be on the Trust Races Facebook page and there will be a live email address for questions:

Sorry for the late notice, but you’ve still got plenty of time to carb load!